Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sometimes in life, there really are bonds formed that can never be broken

Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what; maybe you’ll find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding, but there is also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you, sometimes better than yourself, is the same person standing beside you all along.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


bener-bener ya hari ini. bener-bener mancing emosi banget! semuanya ngeseliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn FUCK

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

how are me? (not) fine, thank you!

entah kenapa bisa dibilang hari ini apes banget. pertama, gue lupa bawa kartu ujian. kedua, gue lupa bawa catetan. ketiga, gue telat banget nyampe kampus, untung msh boleh ikut ujian. keempat, ada aja yg bikin kesel. kelima, PMS.

campur aduk banget mood gue hari ini. be-ran-ta-kan. saking keselnya sampe nangis tadi :_) emang nyiksa banget sih PMS ini. apa-apa maunya ngomel, apa-apa salah aja keliatannya, apa-apa mancing emosi. hhh capek loh sebenernya..... nah makanya buat para cowok-cowok diluar sana yg bingung gimana cara ngadepin pacarnya PMS, gampang.
1. turutin aja maunya apa
2. kalo di jutekin jangan malah jutek balik atau bahkan nyuekin. krn sebenernya pas lg gitu, justru makin manja dan minta diperhatiin
3. yaaah yg ini sih udah jadi saran kunci. SABAR ;)
PMS tiap cewek emang beda-beda, ada yang seminggu full ada yang dua minggu sebelum ada juga yg sebelum dan sesudah dapet. kalo pas pacaran aja udah ngeluh tiap bulan 'capek' sama
'bonus' tiap bulannya, gimana pas udah nikah nanti?

soal PMS selesai.

lanjut masalah lain. hmm

gue pengen tau apa sih yg biasanya lo lakuin kalo lo lagi bener-bener gak ada kerjaan dan gak bisa ngandelin orang t-e-r-d-e-k-a-t lo buat nemenin ngobrol di telfon atau lewat chatting? gue lg bener-bener butuh saran soal itu. gue berusaha cari kegiatan lain. dan oke, gue nemu. tapi.....ya tetep kepikiran. disini gue makin bisa ngerasain kalo cowok sama cewek bener-bener beda banget. ketara banget bedanya.
cewek, sesibuk apapun dia, pasti sebisa mungkin basa-basi sama cowoknya. sesibuk apapun , pasti nyempetin ngabarin. sesibuk apapun, masih keingetan. sedangkan cowok.....jelas kebalikannya. serba salah juga kalo mau kesel tapi ya gimana yaaa :/

pengen aja gitu ada di posisi cowok. sekali. pengen ngerasain sifat cueknya mereka. sayang, gue gak bisa cuek kalo soal ini :s eh, tapi kayaknya hari ini gue berhasil.


blogging emang paling enak kalo mood lg reckless gini. bisa ngomel sesuka hati, bisa cerita apapun yang lo gak bisa ceritain ke orang (lebih baik di private ya blognya ;) beneran bisa ngelegain hati, pikiran, beban.....bahkan lo bisa nangis sesenggukan di depan monitor dan cuma keyboard, mouse, pc, speaker, yg jadi saksi bisu lo. super . gak ada yg bisa ngalahin leganya. oke, gue galau sendirian jadinya. shit.

Monday, August 1, 2011

'pinter' (I)

Dialog konyol ini terjadi pas gue lg mampir ke rumah Fahmi buat nonton dvd. gue berniat nonton film 4bia dan dia mutusin buat tidur bentar di sofa samping gue.

Gue: "yang, ini suaranya kenceng banget, aku mau kecilin aja deh, masa aku nonton horor sendirian, kamunya malah tidur..."
Fahmi: "yaudah kecilin aja.."
Gue: "iya tp pake yg mana remotenyaaaaaa? pake ini gak ngefek" (gue ngecilin tv pake remote indovision. mulai agak panik krn visualnya udah gelap-gelap gimanaaaa gitu)
Fahmi: "pake remote tv yaaaang.."
Gue: "oiya, remote tv yang mana?" (nyari-nyari sambil bolak balik badan)
Fahmi: "remote tvnya rusak......."



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"apa yg lo inginkan sekarang?"

Daripada bengong dan uring-uringan gak jelas, mending ngepost di blog B)

kalo ditanya sama orang apa yg gue inginkan sekarang, gue akan jawab: umur yg panjang & kesehatan. kenapa? menurut gue, dengan tubuh, dan pikiran yg sehat, gue bisa ngelakuin hal yg gue suka. dan dengan umur yg panjang, gue bisa ngelakuin hal yg gue suka itu tanpa ada batasan waktu. lagipula, gue masih muda. masih banyak obsesi yg belum terpenuhi  hehehehe.

salah limanya (bukan salah satunya lagi) adalah:
1. Keliling eropa. i heart their cultures, views, and to me, land my feets in europe's continent is unpredictably amazing. and europe is my destination to spend my honeymoon days. amin.
2. Ke Emirates Stadium. hal pertama yg terjadi begitu nyampe di stadiumnya Arsenal, nangis. itu pasti.
3. Beliin nyokap-bokap rumah masa tua. family is everything. gue pengen bisa jadi seseorang yg dibutuhkan mereka nantinya. gak bakal bisa terbalaskan sih apa yg udah mereka kasih ke gue selama gue hidup sampe usia 20 tahun ini, tapi i want to be their 'something'.
4. Nonton konser Blink 182. and last but not least,
5. Punya keluarga kecil yg harmonis. sebenernya kalo ini jatohnya bukan ke obsesi sih, toh suatu hari gue akan menikah. tapi, keharmonisan dalam keluarga itulah yg menjadi obsesi gue.

berat ya? hehehe. tapi gue yakin bisa ngewujudin ini satu-satu atau hidup gue gak bakal tenang :p

well, well, well, tahun ini liburan kuliah gue cukup lama. almost hit 3 months. mom and dad asked me: "why don't you try to submit a cv to tante mila's company? biar kamu tau gimana rasanya cari uang." i thought, 'yeah, why not, i'll be fat like a pig in home doing nothing. and get the first salary? who don't want it?'. God gracious, my cousin offers me to be an admin at his office. without wearing an office outfit, with my cousins who still working there, i said yes.

it's going to be a little start and new experience :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bob Marley on How To Love A Woman

“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters?

She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can.

She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart.

So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.”

i can't stop smiling as i read this. how sweet he was. yes, men are nothing without a woman :')

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Gooner..... for life.

Mungkin ini bisa dibilang nyakitin ya kalah 2-1 dari Birmingham City di final Carling Cup di Wembley Stadion hari Minggu jam 11 malem waktu Indonesia. Mana stress gak bisa nonton di GoalTv plus dapet link streaming tapi ngadat2 kayak nonton dvd bajakan. Hhhhhhh. Akhirnya menit ke 70, gue memutuskan untuk berhenti nonton (saat itu kedudukan 1-1) dan pindah ke kamar, liat match lewat update-an status dari @ID_ARSENAL. Dan..........................................setengah jam kemudian, ternyata udah full time, kedudukan 2-1.......................................................

buat Birmingham.

Arsenal kalah.

Bete? jelas. Kecewa? pasti. Malu? apalagi.                

But however, win, draw, lose: I am a gooner and still a gooner. Forever. Walaupun kecewa sama kekalahan dari Birmingham, tapi gue tetep menghargai usaha mereka *sok kenal.

After you watch this video, i bet you will love your team more and more and proud to be a Gooner.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Arsenal. my favorite football team, ever.

Sebenernya dari kemaren udah gatel mau ngepost sesuatu di blog cuma gak nemu-nemu yang kira2 berguna buat dibaca hehehe sampe akhirnya tiba2 tadi kepikiran buat nyari sejarah Arsenal sama Tottenham Hostpurs, tapi yang ketemu malah sejarah Arsenalnya doang hmm gapapa deh.

Why it called ARSENAL?
1886:  Dial Square. Arsenal didirikan di daerah Woolwich. Dan di tahun yang sama ganti jadi Royal Arsenal.
1891:  Woolwich Arsenal
1931: Stadion pertama Arsenal, Highbury dibangun dan nama 'Woolwich' dihapus.
2006: Stadion Emirates di jalan Ashburton Grove diresmiin dan pertama kalinya digelar friendly match antara Arsenal lawan pemain Belanda buat perpisahan Bergkamp.

Arsenal waktu masih dilatih sama Herbert Chapman berjaya banget ternyata, buktinya menang FA Cup (1997–98, 2001–2002, 2002–2003, 2004–2005) , Premier League (97–98, 01–02, 03–04), dan Charity Shield (today was known as Community Shield). The Professor, Arsene Wenger dateng dan melatih skuad The gunners ini tahun 1996 dan berarti kalo sekarang udah 2011 hampir 15 tahun! nah, Arsenal jadi runner-up UEFA Cup dan mecahin rekornya Nottingham Forest, bahwa The Gunners menang 49 kali pertandingan! sedangkan Forrest sendiri 42 kali. Musim 2005-2006 Arsenal jadi runner-up Liga Champions lawan Barca.

Why the Arsenal fans named Gooners?
sebenernya asal usul nama itu juga belom ketauan secara akurat juga dari mananya, tapi selama ini jadi bahan diskusi dan kemungkinannya ada 4:

1. Nama Arsenal diambil dari nama hooligan Arsenal di taun 70-an yg nyebut diri mereka Gooners.
2. The Gooners didapet dari suporter rival, yg mustinya mereka manggilnya The Gunners, malah jadi Gooners yg sebenernya itu buat ngerendahin suporter Arsenal.
3. Mispronounced. different accent. They meant to say 'GUNNERS' but people heard it as 'GOONERS'. instead.
4. Kependekannya dari The Gunners --> Gooners.

Gatau sih mana yang lebih akurat, tapi selama ini kira-kira antara 4 bahasan ini yg masih didiskusiin :)

Oke, dan gue belom nemuin sejarah rival abadinya Arsenal sama Spurs. besok-besok aja deh, it's already 1:45 am and i just watched the FA cup, Arsenal v Leyton Orient and draw has been made. it's okay instead of lose hehehe.

Okay folks, gotta rush off to bed now, see you on the next post. Night!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fast? Speed(y)?

My internet connection is getting sucks. what the hell is going on with Fastnet nowadays? they seem like to add these words; Fast and Speed on their product and the matter of fact, i got a low and oftenly out of network. it makes me running out of my patience!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

it's so called........

Hola friends, how's your day in 2011? wish everything's fine like it should be :)

i miss sharing my stories in my blog. thruthfully, the major factor why i'm starting to write again because, i just read one of my friend's blog. her blog is goddamn relieving. she's a college student from Psychology major and still studying in UI. she was one of my highschool friends yet i don't really know her. 

i just read one topic in her blog, it's about a hug. not literally the hug definition, but about she needs a warm hug. i copied here some sentences that really lovely, "Virtual or not, a hug is a hug. It's simply comfort any bad feelings & it's simply one of my favorite thing in this life. A hug from people that cares about you is priceless. It offers you a sensation for not only a safe, warm and relieve feeling, but also a feeling that you're worth more than you ever imagine.". how sweet it is, isn't it? :)

she's one of my inspirations. i adore her. if you want to be inspired, read this inspiring blog :)

okay, shall we start to talk another topic? ;) i don't know where do i start to tell you about this one. it's just........ heavenly lovely. yes, it's not far from the only universal word to express your feelings, L-O-V-E.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. (Helen Keller)

yet i love this one too

The course of true love never did run smooth. (William Shakespeare). yes, it never did run smooth.

Well, yesterday was my first month anniversary. the wishes? like everybody always hope, have a long lasting relationship :). i don't wanna write 'forever' here cause love is not eternal. am i right?

you're the guy that i choose to cheer up, brighten up, fill the heart up, and i wish could ease me up as i got the obstacles in life. you're my partner in laugh too. you know, baby, having you is one of my best part (beside having besfriends) of my (teenage) life and i love being around you.